Getting better models by dropping floating point sizes and increasing parameters

Another quick post, but I'm continuing some work from a couple months ago, where I trained several neural nets in diff datatypes, and it was only fp16/fp32/fp64, and still is (would like to do more, but need to learn how to make datatype code). I decided to try the approach where the weights are space equivalent, or same amount of GB.

Original conclusion

From my original work, (inspired by @kosenjuu), the final graph looked like this:


Loss on the same model with diff floating points does nothing, but I think more floating points with half the precision each time will still work better

Training runs

3 configs,

config dtype layers (train time)/step
1 fp64 4 170ms
2 fp32 8 430ms
3 fp16 16 3500ms

the overall loss graph looks like this:


q1/q2/q4 and beyond