CSHS: Competition Tips
I'm vatsa pandey, CSHS officer of 2024 mar-may, this is a
resource for current and future competitions, to get the list
updated, email me at
We participate in the following competitions:
- KU Website Design
- K-State Programming Competition
- PicoCTF
- AoC (Advent of Code)
KU Website Design
Each year's competition is randomized, so read the manuals
Types of competitions include interview-based and
For interview-based competitions, cover all angles of the topics
mentioned and show a clear understanding of how they work.
For software/app-based competitions, understand the
requirements, brainstorm ideas, and work in small teams using
familiar tech stacks.
Use tools like Replit if
you're new to Git/GitHub.
Be cautious about using Github commits/PRs to avoid accumulating
Ensure each team has a unique UI or one unique feature, while
helping each other.
K-State Programming Competition
Most solutions can be represented as math equations or
fundamental algorithms.
A USACO silver level will cover everything required for this
Beginners should start with basic level, while experienced users
can opt for advanced level.
Practice on Leetcode/Codeforces or past USACO silver+bronze
Use the PicoCTF practice gym and get familiar with Linux
terminal tools and cybersecurity environment.
Specialize in a specific category and cover as much as possible.
Examine clues per question and identify the case it refers to.
Practicing 200-300 point problems will likely place you in the
top ~100 teams out of 3k.
Try practicing 500 point problems, but they can be challenging.
Seek help from someone with cybersecurity experience for 400-500
point questions, asking for guidance rather than answers.
- These competitions require knowledge of AP CS A concepts.
- There are four tiers: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum.
The top 15 participants represent America at the IOI, and the
top 4 after that represent the country at the IOI.
Practice all concepts in the
USACO guide.
Achieving a platinum tier is considered enough for admission to
a T20 university for CS, with a decent GPA.
AoC (Advent of Code)
A Christmas challenge, similar to USACO and K-State
- Have fun and enjoy the challenge.